Problems Statement
Older adult has many different social needs than we do, and they have unique communication habits with technology. Therefore, when I started to design this application, I kept thinking about their actual needs and what accessibility issues they might encounter. I found the following insights through user interviews and research and provided solutions accordingly.
To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I cannot disclose more information regarding this project. I will omit confidential information in this portfolio. The information on this website is my own and does not necessarily reflect the companies' views mentioned here. Case studies under request only.
My story: Why does this matter to me?
I grew up in a large family with a substantial proportion of older adults, and my father is almost 50 years older than me. That's why I am always concerned about various topics regarding older adults. During COVID, I heard more stories than ever about older people feeling lonely and sad because they can't meet in person with their families or people they know. At the same time, there is growing hate crime toward Asian seniors in the United States. They were scared, and they were afraid to go out too. 

This situation prompted me to start thinking about how I could help them increase their interaction with people through the internet. How can I design a product that solves the problem without increasing their cognitive load? Now, I got an answer.

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